Falls Church, Va. (May 13, 2021) – The public is calling for more things to be recyclable but the path to cement that future remains unclear. That is why The Recycling Partnership has convened the Pathway to Circularity Industry Council (the Circularity Council) to assess what actions must take [...]
What did we learn from the feedback we received?
As a mission-driven organization focused on both system change and partnership, there isn’t much we enjoy more than a good bit of stakeholder feedback. So, when we launched the 30-day public comment period for the Pathway to Circularity’s Rec[...]
Navigating the recycling system has historically been challenging, in part because there are no widely accepted recyclability standards. Our Pathway to Circularity for Packaging, another example of collaboration to solve a complex challenge, was created to wash away the gray and bring necessary clar[...]
An exploration of circular solutions for foam packaging
Packaging plays a critical role in protecting products — including everything from food to household goods – from being harmed during their journey from conveyor belts to household shelves. But to reach a truly circular economy in the U[...]
Colgate-Palmolive becomes first company to fund navigation of five‑step gated recyclability process
BENTONVILLE, ARK. (Nov. 6, 2019) – The Recycling Partnership officially launched its new Pathway to Recyclability initiative to help packaging suppliers outline, address, and successfully navigate[...]
The Recycling Partnership opens its Recyclability Framework for public comment
Falls Church, Va. (August 11, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it will open its Pathway to Circularity Recyclability Framework for public comment, a first of its kind opportunity for the ent[...]
Widespread feedback signals importance of Framework and need for transparent, cohesive guidelines
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Dec. 14, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today published responses to public comments on its Pathway to Circularity Recyclability Framework. A-first-of-its-kind opportunity for [...]
Leading companies from across the value chain take action to unlock the environmental and economic benefits of PET recycling.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 8, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of its PET Recycling Coalition, an initiative informed by industry knowledge[...]
Grant Unlocks New Material, Enables Solutions Testing, and Improves MRF Processing
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 19, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership’s Film and Flexibles Recycling Coalition (Coalition) announced its first film packaging capture grant to EFS-plastics, a North America-based recycling[...]
New “Bridge to Circularity” Report Calls for $500 Million by 2025 to Transform the U.S. Recycling System
Report Emphasizes Need for Creating New Pathways to Recyclability, Unlocking Post-Consumer Material Supply, and Crafting Bold, Transformative Policies Supported by Cut[...]
Solutions for recyclable packaging are not one-size-fits-all. From aluminum beverage cans to glass bottles, each specific packaging material and format has its own unique recycling benefits and challenges, like design features or sorting technology. But addressing complex problems in siloes won’t [...]
Digital tools will offer individuals, companies, and government access to localized recycling program details
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (March 2, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it has developed a National Recycling Database, offering a comprehensive source for local recycling inf[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition has awarded more than $6 million in grants since inception, positively impacting nearly 18 million people nationwide
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (April 6, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership today announced its fourth round of grant funding throu[...]
It’s time to develop a circular economy for packaging in the U.S.
We’re launching several new initiatives to start building the Bridge to Circularity, including Recycling 2.0 – an opportunity for all stakeholders to collaborate to develop the recycling system of the future.
Actions underway in cities to invest nearly a half-billion dollars on modernized recycling infrastructure and consumer education that will reduce the plastic footprint of America’s beverage companies by increasing the amount of plastic bottles that are collected and remade into new ones
In less than one year, The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition awarded grants to 13 recycling facilities to increase recycling access by nearly 6%.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Aug.24, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today announced a third round of grant funding through its Polypr[...]
After more than two years of input from a variety of participants, today the Pathway to Circularity for Residential Recycling Framework (Framework) is available for brands, retailers, packaging manufacturers, MRFs, communities, policymakers and others to use through the Circular Packaging Assessment[...]
Polypropylene Recycling Coalition awards nearly $2 million in grants that will impact four million people nationally
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (December 8, 2020) – The Recycling Partnership today announced nearly $2 million in catalytic grants to advance polypropylene recycling in the U.S. through its Po[...]
Comments underline need for accurate, transparent recyclability claims on product labels
Washington, D.C. April 19, 2023 – In comments submitted to the Federal Trade Commission today on its Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (“Green Guides”), The Recycling Partnership c[...]
System solutions for film recovery and recycling are desperately needed to help address the full scale of the plastic waste crisis and save millions of tons of plastic materials from landfills. The Recycling Partnership’s Film and Flexibles Recycling Coalition is on the cutting edge of this wo[...]
The ultimate fate of recycling rests in the hands of a broad set of stakeholders who must all take action to support the transition to a circular economy
FALLS CHURCH, Va., (Feb. 13, 2020) – For curbside recycling in the United States to deliver its enormous potential economic and environmental be[...]
When a package or material does not meet the criteria for recyclability (see page 23, Pathway to Circularity), companies are encouraged to take action. Coalitions can address the recycling challenges of today and consider solutions for the challenges of tomorrow.
The Partnership currently leads thre[...]
Plastic pollution is a global crisis. To confront this emergency in the U.S., industry leaders recognized that individual action would not be enough; transformative, systemwide change is required to establish a path toward a circular economy for plastic. Founded as a solutions-driven consortium by T[...]
Six Experts Serving as Launch Advisors
WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 3, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it has launched The Center for Sustainable Behavior & Impact (“The Center”) to drive measurable improvement in residential recycling behavior and mobilize household par[...]
Film and flexible packaging is unlike other packaging when it comes to recycling. For starters, it’s not a single packaging type – the term encompasses a wide range of packaging, from polyethylene (PE) air pillows protecting e-commerce goods to heavy-duty dog food bags, to salty snack bags with [...]
By Ben Dixon, Partner, SYSTEMIQ & Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership
The challenge of plastic waste is too big to ignore and too difficult to solve alone. Good work to collectively reduce the use of virgin plastic and build recycling solutions for more types of plastics is underway. [...]
Leading companies from across the value chain take action to
enhance polypropylene circularity with first Request for Proposals
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (July 8, 2020) – The Recycling Partnership is pleased to announce today the launch of its Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, an industry collaboration t[...]
By Dylan de Thomas, Vice President of External Affairs
The California Statewide Commission on Curbside Recycling and Market Development recently published a report to CalRecycle with recommendations regarding a Statewide Standardized Acceptance List of Recyclable Materials (CA Statewide Recyclable L[...]
Grant Awarded by The Recycling Partnership in Partnership with Can Manufacturers Institute Enables Can Capture Equipment that will Result in 4 Million More Aluminum Beverage Cans Recycled Annually
WASHINGTON, DC (December 14, 2021) – A recycling facility in Kilgore, TX, received a critical upgrade[...]
The winning communities participated in the inaugural Do You Recycle? Challenge aimed at increasing recycling access, eliminating contamination, and improving the city’s recycling system
Washington, D.C. August 4, 2022 – Three Atlanta area multifamily communities received recognition fo[...]
Recycling upgrades made possible through partnerships spearheaded by The Recycling Partnership, America’s leading beverage companies, and the Michigan Soft Drink Association
YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP, Mich., October 25, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership announced Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, has been s[...]
The Recycling Partnership, American Beverage, and the Beverage Association of Tennessee invest in education for enhanced recycling collection, expected to generate millions of new pounds of recyclable material
WASHINGTON D.C. – The City of Nashville on January 11 announced the launch of enhanc[...]
The program will provide the Town of Falmouth and City of Methuen with funding to upgrade curbside recycling cart programs
Washington, D.C. September 6, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership has selected two Massachusetts communities to receive a grant-funded investment to support the Every Bottle Back[...]
Earth Day event underscores broad support and solutions for national EPR policy to end plastic waste
OTTAWA, CANADA (April 19, 2024) – Against the backdrop of the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international legally binding instrument on pla[...]
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 14, 2024 – Today, The Recycling Partnership’s PET Recycling Coalition (the Coalition) released its first annual report showcasing measurable improvements in the circularity of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Established in June 2022, the Coalition awards grants to mate[...]
Polypropylene Recycling Coalition brings total awards to nearly $3 million in grants, impacting 7.2 million people nationally.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (March 31, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today announced a second round of grant funding through its Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, distributing [...]
PRESTON, Wash. (March 6, 2020) – Talking Rain Beverage Company, the makers of Sparkling Ice, Sparkling Ice Plus Caffeine, and Talking Rain Waters, announced that it has joined The Recycling Partnership, the leading environmental non-profit improving how America recycles and catalyzing a system ch[...]
The Recycling Partnership analysis shows that U.S. states could expect an increase in recycling rates with the introduction of EPR law
WASHINGTON, D.C. Feb. 2, 2023 – States can expect significant increases in recycling rates for packaging (including plastic, glass, aluminum and steel) and printe[...]
On America Recycles Day the nation’s leading recycling NGO issues 5-Point Plan to give Americans a better recycling system.
Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership, a mission-driven NGO committed to advancing a circular economy by building a better recycling system, is a[...]
Fund provides grants to deliver new or improved access and education for the approximately 18,000 small and rural municipalities with populations of less than 50,000
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Sept. 20, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership recently marked the official launch of the Small Town Access Fund, a[...]
The program will help reduce recycling contamination and improve participation at drop-off sites throughout Ohio
Washington, D.C. August 17, 2022 – The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) and The Recycling Partnership today announced a $300,000 grant for Ohio communities to dramati[...]
Compatible with How2Recycle® and SmartLabel with early adoption by General Mills and Horizon Organic
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 24, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership (The Partnership) is launching Recycle Check, a package-specific labeling platform providing up-to-date recycling information dire[...]
Multi-million-dollar public-private partnership among The Recycling Partnership, American Beverage Association, Missouri Beverage Association, Dow and other stakeholders will allow Missouri’s largest city to transition curbside recycling collection to 65-gallon carts starting May 1.
Recycling Initiative Drives Capture of 4.1 Million New Pounds of Aluminum Annually
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 4, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership reported today on the impact of its Aluminum Recycling Initiative (Initiative). Under the Initiative five grants have been issued for the continued a[...]
Strong industry representation critical to The Partnership’s mission in advancing a circular economy
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25, 2022) – Top leaders in sustainability, industry, and the circular economy were elected to The Recycling Partnership’s Board of Directors, supporting The Partnership[...]
Reporting Grantees Show Ninefold Increase in Polypropylene Capture
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 29, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership (“The Partnership”) today reported on the progress of the Polypropylene Recycling Coalition (“Coalition”) and provided insights into the changing landscape of p[...]
A new free resource to advance recycling data, knowledge, and connectivity
WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 17, 2023 – Today The Recycling Partnership (“The Partnership”) is launching the Recycling Program Solutions Hub (Hub) nationwide, an interactive tool and resource designed for local recycling staff[...]
Coalition celebrates two years of catalytic grantmaking that has positively affected recycling access throughout the U.S.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 28, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition is celebrating the How2Recycle upgrade of polypropylene (PP) rigid contain[...]
By: Adam Gendell, Circular Ventures Director
Plastic packaging circularity may seem like a daunting endeavor, but it’s possible. Just take an in-depth look at PET packaging, which is an example of how we can build on successes to support an effective plastic recycling system.
Fund aims to provide access, education, and career advancement opportunities to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color populations
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Feb. 24, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership recently marked the official launch of the Recycling Inclusion Fund, a unique funding stream to address[...]
Grantees can now send customized education materials directly to their residents to improve recycling programs at no cost to them
Small communities in Michigan have a new resource to help them educate households about how and what to recycle. The Michigan Small Community Education Grant Program, an [...]
Created by The Recycling Partnership and SYSTEMIQ, with support from Walmart, Plastic IQ leverages industry best practices and data so companies can build action plans and achieve circularity goals
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (May 5, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership and SYSTEMIQ today launched Plastic IQ,[...]
Since 2014 the nation’s leading recycling nonprofit has reached over 100 million households diverting 770 million incremental pounds of recyclables from landfills
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 15, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership has released its Impact Report 2022: Complex Problems Require [...]
A critical component to creating a circular system, one where used packaging can be made into recycled material again and again, is a healthy and efficient materials recovery facility (MRF) system. The Recycling Partnership’s Paying It Forward report estimates the U.S. needs to invest $3 billion t[...]
This article originally appeared on Heineken USA’s blog on Aug. 2, 2017.
To the great people of Europe: thanks for sharing! Teams from the top soccer leagues in the world touched down in the U.S. this summer for the fifth installment of the International Champions Cup and the competition was[...]
The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has a new plan to increase demand for recyclable plastics in North America, and with help from The Recycling Partnership, it is calling upon manufacturers and retailers to make it work. Companies joining the Recycle Demand Champions initiativewill instruct[...]
Known for its theme parks and tourism, Orlando, Florida is making a name for itself in another way: Recycling. A forward-thinking community with a deep-rooted commitment to environmental equity, Orlando strives to become a “zero waste” community by 2040. Adequate, efficient, and equitable recycl[...]
The PET Recycling Coalition (Coalition), which launched in June 2022 to improve the circularity of PET packaging in the U.S., announced five new grants to bolster the efficiency and effectiveness of PET recycling at materials recovery facilities (MRFs) and PET reclaimers. This new round of grants, w[...]
Recycling is unique. It is a complex, interwoven system where all parts of the value chain need to work for recycling to work. Each piece of the equation is important and cannot be overlooked.
When evaluating the recyclability and ultimately circularity of various packaging, it is important to ack[...]
For over a decade, Ice River Sustainable Solutions (IRSS) has been building a business on the circularity of plastics in Ontario, Canada. The company supplies 100% recycled PET bottles to water bottling sister company, Ice River Springs, and IRSS operates a state-of-the-art plastics recycling facili[...]
On November 26, hundreds of stakeholders from across the globe will travel to Uruguay, to kick off the first of five sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.
This marks the beginning of formal U.N. memb[...]
Recycling unlocks our potential to improve the planet and creates economic opportunity, but it only works when we can all make a difference. Here’s the thing: Depending on where you live, access to recycling is not equitable. For example, it’s more difficult to recycle if you live in a multifami[...]
If every home in the U.S. had convenient access to recycling, more than half of recyclable material would still be lost. Why? Because most Americans are confused about what and how to recycle. No recycling system performs at a high level without winning the hearts and minds of consumers to use it pr[...]
This statement can be attributed to Dylan de Thomas, Vice President of External Affairs, The Recycling Partnership:
“The Recycling Partnership applauds the passage of California’s SB 54, a transformational piece of legislation which will help drive circularity for California’s pack[...]
In October 2022, The Recycling Partnership kicked off By the Numbers, a new webinar series for industry stakeholders focused on current trends in the U.S. recycling system and a circular economy.
The first webinar in this series was held on October 26 and unpacked the data behind plastics recycling[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s PET Recycling Coalition, which brings together a robust group of stakeholders to drive improvements that transform the PET recycling landscape, provides grants to materials recovery facilities (MRFs), PET reclaimers, and other entities that sort, sell, and/or reclaim PE[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s By The Numbers webinar series kicked off 2023 with a special webinar in partnership with Resource Recycling’s Policy Now.
By The Numbers Webinar: Transforming U.S. Recycling with EPR, designed for municipal and industry stakeholders as well as policymakers, took a d[...]
Investing in Our Planet Takes All of Us. On Earth Day and Every Day, We Can Start by Building a Better Recycling System.
Earth Day’s 2023 theme – Invest In Our Planet is centered around engaging more than 1 billion people, all levels of government, organizations and companies that participate in[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s Film & Flexibles Recycling Coalition provides grants to materials recovery facilities (MRFs), reclaimers, recycling drop-off centers, and end-markets across the United States that sort, clean, sell, and/or reclaim film and flexibles derived from U.S. residential[...]
Join The Recycling Partnership’s latest By the Numbers Webinar on January 31 at 2pm ET to dive into their latest report, the “State of Recycling: Present and Future of Residential Recycling in the U.S.” This report offers new data and analysis on the current state of residential re[...]
Research has shown us that 7 in 10 consumers look at a product’s label or packaging to determine if it can be recycled. Recycle Check is an exciting new on pack solution that tells consumers whether or not a package goes in their curbside recycling bin, using information from local community recyc[...]
The newly available digital Circular Packaging Assessment Tool (CPA Tool) allows brands and retailers to evaluate the recyclability of their packaging portfolio, especially as state EPR policies begin to be implemented across the U.S.
The new digital version of the CPA Tool:
features dynamic as[...]
The Recycling Partnership kicked off 2024 with a By the Numbers webinar focused on its newly released report, “State of Recycling, The Present and Future of Residential Recycling.”
The webinar, held on January 31, 2024, provided a deep dive into the report’s data, highlighted the are[...]
The Partnership sets ambitious goal to increase U.S. polypropylene recycling rate by 5% by the end of 2026
WASHINGTON, D.C. (OCT. 31, 2024) – Today, The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition (the Coalition) released its inaugural annual report showcasing measurable improvemen[...]
New Chief Development Officer, Chief People Officer join team of experts, practitioners, and thought leaders building a better recycling system.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 4, 2024 – Today, The Recycling Partnership (The Partnership) announced two new members of its executive leadership team. Chris Wi[...]
In Santa Rosa, California, a newly modernized MRF handles up to 880,000 pounds per day of mixed recyclables from Sonoma and Marin counties. Recology Sonoma Marin, which completed the $35 million modernization and opened the facility in early 2024, worked with The Recycling Partnership to include ded[...]
I just hopped off the stage at Circularity ’22 and a few things stand out to me about this national drive to improve recycling and launch a circular economy. Clearly people are frustrated that recycling hasn’t fixed the waste problem yet. But before we jump to recycling’s failings, let’[...]
As U.S. companies seek to reduce waste, meet sustainability goals, and stay competitive, many are committing to ambitious packaging strategies designed to end plastic waste. But not all companies have data-driven resources to define these strategies. Plastic IQ is a free, digital strategy-building t[...]
By Keefe Harrison
When the world moves through this terrible coronavirus pandemic, the economy is going to need help. That’s why The Recycling Partnership is working hard, every day, to ensure that the economy that rebounds is a circular one that serves people and the planet.
I grew up in a fami[...]
The City of Norcross and The Recycling Partnership launch citywide cart-tagging campaign to dramatically improve curbside residential recycling, part of a $15,000 grant
NORCROSS (GWINNETT COUNTY), GA (SEPTEMBER 10, 2021) – On Monday, September 13, 2021, the City of Norcross will begin checkin[...]
By Keefe Harrison
(first published on LinkedIn)
As I head into the 2020 Plastics Recycling Conference, the pressing need to protect our environment from plastic waste by activating a truly circular economy is top of mind. This is an important point in time to pivot our society’s current make-to-[...]
Dow, Hill’s Pet Nutrition and PepsiCo among funding partners supporting recycling solutions for growing category
FALL CHURCH, VA, September 30, 2019 – The Recycling Partnership announced today the launch of a Film and Flexibles Task Force to define, pilot and scale recyclin[...]
America Recycles Week release of free Social Media Kit v.3 and DIYSigns to empower communities to educate residents on how to recycle more, better
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Nov. 12, 2019) – Residents putting trash in the recycling costs the U.S. recycling system more than $300 million each year. While s[...]
The following is a joint statement attributed to Steve Alexander, President, and CEO, The Association of Plastic Recyclers; Ron Gonen, CEO, Closed Loop Partners; Nina Goodrich, Executive Director, GreenBlue; And Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership:
(February 28, 2020) — With the [...]
The following is a joint statement attributable to Steve Alexander, President, and CEO, The Association of Plastic Recyclers; Ron Gonen, CEO, Closed Loop Partners; and Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership:
(July 1, 2021) — “The recent recommendations made by the California Statewide Co[...]
The 2020 State of Curbside Recycling report calls for these clear, integrated strategies:
Substantially greater support of community recycling programs with capital funding, technical assistance, and efforts to strengthen and grow local political commitment to recycling services.
New and enhanced s[...]
2020 Impact Report Tells Story of the National Nonprofit Catalyzing Change to Move the U.S. Toward a Circular Economy
60+ Brands, Retailers, Government Agencies, and NGOs Collaborate to Advance All Plastic Packaging
to become Reusable, Recyclable, or Compostable by 2025
Falls Church, Va., (August 25, 2020) – Today, the U.S. Plastics Pact, a collaborative led by The Recycling Partnership and World Wildlife Fund (W[...]
2020 may have become the year many Americans “resolved” to stayed home, but it taught us the value of recycling as a valuable and essential public service and allowed us to confront the daily reality of how valuable recycling is to critical supply chains providing cardboard for online order ship[...]
By Dylan de Thomas
Vice President of External Affairs
The Recycling Partnership
For many Americans, recycling is second nature. It’s something that we can’t imagine living without. The ethos of “waste not, want not” runs deep in our collective conscience. We feel bad when we throw something [...]
“The Recycling Partnership believes that producers should play a prominent role in bringing the critically needed capital necessary to level up a struggling U.S. residential recycling system through a shared producer responsibility model.
As the Blueprint points out, we’re at a critical poin[...]
The report finds investment to improve the residential recycling system in the U.S. over the next five years would deliver significant environmental and financial benefits, including:
Save 710 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent;
Reduce the average water usage of 30 million people;
Save the equiv[...]
With the passage of Extended Producer Responsibility laws such as California’s Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54), entities must achieve unprecedented levels of circularity. As California prepares for EPR and the potential to see substantial new tons[...]
Falls Church, Va. (May 13, 2021) – The public is calling for more things to be recyclable but the path to cement that future remains unclear. That is why The Recycling Partnership has convened the Pathway to Circularity Industry Council (the Circularity Council) to assess what actions must take [...]
Colgate-Palmolive becomes first company to fund navigation of five‑step gated recyclability process
BENTONVILLE, ARK. (Nov. 6, 2019) – The Recycling Partnership officially launched its new Pathway to Recyclability initiative to help packaging suppliers outline, address, and successfully navigate[...]
The Recycling Partnership opens its Recyclability Framework for public comment
Falls Church, Va. (August 11, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it will open its Pathway to Circularity Recyclability Framework for public comment, a first of its kind opportunity for the ent[...]
Widespread feedback signals importance of Framework and need for transparent, cohesive guidelines
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Dec. 14, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today published responses to public comments on its Pathway to Circularity Recyclability Framework. A-first-of-its-kind opportunity for [...]
Leading companies from across the value chain take action to unlock the environmental and economic benefits of PET recycling.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 8, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of its PET Recycling Coalition, an initiative informed by industry knowledge[...]
Grant Unlocks New Material, Enables Solutions Testing, and Improves MRF Processing
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 19, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership’s Film and Flexibles Recycling Coalition (Coalition) announced its first film packaging capture grant to EFS-plastics, a North America-based recycling[...]
New “Bridge to Circularity” Report Calls for $500 Million by 2025 to Transform the U.S. Recycling System
Report Emphasizes Need for Creating New Pathways to Recyclability, Unlocking Post-Consumer Material Supply, and Crafting Bold, Transformative Policies Supported by Cut[...]
Digital tools will offer individuals, companies, and government access to localized recycling program details
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (March 2, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it has developed a National Recycling Database, offering a comprehensive source for local recycling inf[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition has awarded more than $6 million in grants since inception, positively impacting nearly 18 million people nationwide
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (April 6, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership today announced its fourth round of grant funding throu[...]
It’s time to develop a circular economy for packaging in the U.S.
We’re launching several new initiatives to start building the Bridge to Circularity, including Recycling 2.0 – an opportunity for all stakeholders to collaborate to develop the recycling system of the future.
Actions underway in cities to invest nearly a half-billion dollars on modernized recycling infrastructure and consumer education that will reduce the plastic footprint of America’s beverage companies by increasing the amount of plastic bottles that are collected and remade into new ones
In less than one year, The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition awarded grants to 13 recycling facilities to increase recycling access by nearly 6%.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Aug.24, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today announced a third round of grant funding through its Polypr[...]
After more than two years of input from a variety of participants, today the Pathway to Circularity for Residential Recycling Framework (Framework) is available for brands, retailers, packaging manufacturers, MRFs, communities, policymakers and others to use through the Circular Packaging Assessment[...]
Polypropylene Recycling Coalition awards nearly $2 million in grants that will impact four million people nationally
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (December 8, 2020) – The Recycling Partnership today announced nearly $2 million in catalytic grants to advance polypropylene recycling in the U.S. through its Po[...]
Comments underline need for accurate, transparent recyclability claims on product labels
Washington, D.C. April 19, 2023 – In comments submitted to the Federal Trade Commission today on its Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (“Green Guides”), The Recycling Partnership c[...]
The ultimate fate of recycling rests in the hands of a broad set of stakeholders who must all take action to support the transition to a circular economy
FALLS CHURCH, Va., (Feb. 13, 2020) – For curbside recycling in the United States to deliver its enormous potential economic and environmental be[...]
Six Experts Serving as Launch Advisors
WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 3, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership announced today that it has launched The Center for Sustainable Behavior & Impact (“The Center”) to drive measurable improvement in residential recycling behavior and mobilize household par[...]
By Ben Dixon, Partner, SYSTEMIQ & Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership
The challenge of plastic waste is too big to ignore and too difficult to solve alone. Good work to collectively reduce the use of virgin plastic and build recycling solutions for more types of plastics is underway. [...]
Leading companies from across the value chain take action to
enhance polypropylene circularity with first Request for Proposals
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (July 8, 2020) – The Recycling Partnership is pleased to announce today the launch of its Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, an industry collaboration t[...]
By Dylan de Thomas, Vice President of External Affairs
The California Statewide Commission on Curbside Recycling and Market Development recently published a report to CalRecycle with recommendations regarding a Statewide Standardized Acceptance List of Recyclable Materials (CA Statewide Recyclable L[...]
Grant Awarded by The Recycling Partnership in Partnership with Can Manufacturers Institute Enables Can Capture Equipment that will Result in 4 Million More Aluminum Beverage Cans Recycled Annually
WASHINGTON, DC (December 14, 2021) – A recycling facility in Kilgore, TX, received a critical upgrade[...]
The winning communities participated in the inaugural Do You Recycle? Challenge aimed at increasing recycling access, eliminating contamination, and improving the city’s recycling system
Washington, D.C. August 4, 2022 – Three Atlanta area multifamily communities received recognition fo[...]
Recycling upgrades made possible through partnerships spearheaded by The Recycling Partnership, America’s leading beverage companies, and the Michigan Soft Drink Association
YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP, Mich., October 25, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership announced Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, has been s[...]
The Recycling Partnership, American Beverage, and the Beverage Association of Tennessee invest in education for enhanced recycling collection, expected to generate millions of new pounds of recyclable material
WASHINGTON D.C. – The City of Nashville on January 11 announced the launch of enhanc[...]
The program will provide the Town of Falmouth and City of Methuen with funding to upgrade curbside recycling cart programs
Washington, D.C. September 6, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership has selected two Massachusetts communities to receive a grant-funded investment to support the Every Bottle Back[...]
Earth Day event underscores broad support and solutions for national EPR policy to end plastic waste
OTTAWA, CANADA (April 19, 2024) – Against the backdrop of the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international legally binding instrument on pla[...]
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 14, 2024 – Today, The Recycling Partnership’s PET Recycling Coalition (the Coalition) released its first annual report showcasing measurable improvements in the circularity of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Established in June 2022, the Coalition awards grants to mate[...]
Polypropylene Recycling Coalition brings total awards to nearly $3 million in grants, impacting 7.2 million people nationally.
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (March 31, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership today announced a second round of grant funding through its Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, distributing [...]
PRESTON, Wash. (March 6, 2020) – Talking Rain Beverage Company, the makers of Sparkling Ice, Sparkling Ice Plus Caffeine, and Talking Rain Waters, announced that it has joined The Recycling Partnership, the leading environmental non-profit improving how America recycles and catalyzing a system ch[...]
The Recycling Partnership analysis shows that U.S. states could expect an increase in recycling rates with the introduction of EPR law
WASHINGTON, D.C. Feb. 2, 2023 – States can expect significant increases in recycling rates for packaging (including plastic, glass, aluminum and steel) and printe[...]
On America Recycles Day the nation’s leading recycling NGO issues 5-Point Plan to give Americans a better recycling system.
Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, 2022 – The Recycling Partnership, a mission-driven NGO committed to advancing a circular economy by building a better recycling system, is a[...]
Fund provides grants to deliver new or improved access and education for the approximately 18,000 small and rural municipalities with populations of less than 50,000
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Sept. 20, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership recently marked the official launch of the Small Town Access Fund, a[...]
The program will help reduce recycling contamination and improve participation at drop-off sites throughout Ohio
Washington, D.C. August 17, 2022 – The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) and The Recycling Partnership today announced a $300,000 grant for Ohio communities to dramati[...]
Compatible with How2Recycle® and SmartLabel with early adoption by General Mills and Horizon Organic
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 24, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership (The Partnership) is launching Recycle Check, a package-specific labeling platform providing up-to-date recycling information dire[...]
Multi-million-dollar public-private partnership among The Recycling Partnership, American Beverage Association, Missouri Beverage Association, Dow and other stakeholders will allow Missouri’s largest city to transition curbside recycling collection to 65-gallon carts starting May 1.
Recycling Initiative Drives Capture of 4.1 Million New Pounds of Aluminum Annually
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 4, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership reported today on the impact of its Aluminum Recycling Initiative (Initiative). Under the Initiative five grants have been issued for the continued a[...]
Strong industry representation critical to The Partnership’s mission in advancing a circular economy
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 25, 2022) – Top leaders in sustainability, industry, and the circular economy were elected to The Recycling Partnership’s Board of Directors, supporting The Partnership[...]
Reporting Grantees Show Ninefold Increase in Polypropylene Capture
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 29, 2023) – The Recycling Partnership (“The Partnership”) today reported on the progress of the Polypropylene Recycling Coalition (“Coalition”) and provided insights into the changing landscape of p[...]
A new free resource to advance recycling data, knowledge, and connectivity
WASHINGTON, D.C. Oct. 17, 2023 – Today The Recycling Partnership (“The Partnership”) is launching the Recycling Program Solutions Hub (Hub) nationwide, an interactive tool and resource designed for local recycling staff[...]
Coalition celebrates two years of catalytic grantmaking that has positively affected recycling access throughout the U.S.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 28, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition is celebrating the How2Recycle upgrade of polypropylene (PP) rigid contain[...]
By: Adam Gendell, Circular Ventures Director
Plastic packaging circularity may seem like a daunting endeavor, but it’s possible. Just take an in-depth look at PET packaging, which is an example of how we can build on successes to support an effective plastic recycling system.
Fund aims to provide access, education, and career advancement opportunities to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color populations
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Feb. 24, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership recently marked the official launch of the Recycling Inclusion Fund, a unique funding stream to address[...]
Grantees can now send customized education materials directly to their residents to improve recycling programs at no cost to them
Small communities in Michigan have a new resource to help them educate households about how and what to recycle. The Michigan Small Community Education Grant Program, an [...]
Created by The Recycling Partnership and SYSTEMIQ, with support from Walmart, Plastic IQ leverages industry best practices and data so companies can build action plans and achieve circularity goals
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (May 5, 2021) – The Recycling Partnership and SYSTEMIQ today launched Plastic IQ,[...]
Since 2014 the nation’s leading recycling nonprofit has reached over 100 million households diverting 770 million incremental pounds of recyclables from landfills
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 15, 2022) – The Recycling Partnership has released its Impact Report 2022: Complex Problems Require [...]
A critical component to creating a circular system, one where used packaging can be made into recycled material again and again, is a healthy and efficient materials recovery facility (MRF) system. The Recycling Partnership’s Paying It Forward report estimates the U.S. needs to invest $3 billion t[...]
This article originally appeared on Heineken USA’s blog on Aug. 2, 2017.
To the great people of Europe: thanks for sharing! Teams from the top soccer leagues in the world touched down in the U.S. this summer for the fifth installment of the International Champions Cup and the competition was[...]
The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) has a new plan to increase demand for recyclable plastics in North America, and with help from The Recycling Partnership, it is calling upon manufacturers and retailers to make it work. Companies joining the Recycle Demand Champions initiativewill instruct[...]
Known for its theme parks and tourism, Orlando, Florida is making a name for itself in another way: Recycling. A forward-thinking community with a deep-rooted commitment to environmental equity, Orlando strives to become a “zero waste” community by 2040. Adequate, efficient, and equitable recycl[...]
This statement can be attributed to Dylan de Thomas, Vice President of External Affairs, The Recycling Partnership:
“The Recycling Partnership applauds the passage of California’s SB 54, a transformational piece of legislation which will help drive circularity for California’s pack[...]
In October 2022, The Recycling Partnership kicked off By the Numbers, a new webinar series for industry stakeholders focused on current trends in the U.S. recycling system and a circular economy.
The first webinar in this series was held on October 26 and unpacked the data behind plastics recycling[...]
The Recycling Partnership’s By The Numbers webinar series kicked off 2023 with a special webinar in partnership with Resource Recycling’s Policy Now.
By The Numbers Webinar: Transforming U.S. Recycling with EPR, designed for municipal and industry stakeholders as well as policymakers, took a d[...]
Join The Recycling Partnership’s latest By the Numbers Webinar on January 31 at 2pm ET to dive into their latest report, the “State of Recycling: Present and Future of Residential Recycling in the U.S.” This report offers new data and analysis on the current state of residential re[...]
Research has shown us that 7 in 10 consumers look at a product’s label or packaging to determine if it can be recycled. Recycle Check is an exciting new on pack solution that tells consumers whether or not a package goes in their curbside recycling bin, using information from local community recyc[...]
The newly available digital Circular Packaging Assessment Tool (CPA Tool) allows brands and retailers to evaluate the recyclability of their packaging portfolio, especially as state EPR policies begin to be implemented across the U.S.
The new digital version of the CPA Tool:
features dynamic as[...]
The Recycling Partnership kicked off 2024 with a By the Numbers webinar focused on its newly released report, “State of Recycling, The Present and Future of Residential Recycling.”
The webinar, held on January 31, 2024, provided a deep dive into the report’s data, highlighted the are[...]
The Partnership sets ambitious goal to increase U.S. polypropylene recycling rate by 5% by the end of 2026
WASHINGTON, D.C. (OCT. 31, 2024) – Today, The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition (the Coalition) released its inaugural annual report showcasing measurable improvemen[...]
New Chief Development Officer, Chief People Officer join team of experts, practitioners, and thought leaders building a better recycling system.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 4, 2024 – Today, The Recycling Partnership (The Partnership) announced two new members of its executive leadership team. Chris Wi[...]
By Keefe Harrison
When the world moves through this terrible coronavirus pandemic, the economy is going to need help. That’s why The Recycling Partnership is working hard, every day, to ensure that the economy that rebounds is a circular one that serves people and the planet.
I grew up in a fami[...]
The City of Norcross and The Recycling Partnership launch citywide cart-tagging campaign to dramatically improve curbside residential recycling, part of a $15,000 grant
NORCROSS (GWINNETT COUNTY), GA (SEPTEMBER 10, 2021) – On Monday, September 13, 2021, the City of Norcross will begin checkin[...]
By Keefe Harrison
(first published on LinkedIn)
As I head into the 2020 Plastics Recycling Conference, the pressing need to protect our environment from plastic waste by activating a truly circular economy is top of mind. This is an important point in time to pivot our society’s current make-to-[...]
Dow, Hill’s Pet Nutrition and PepsiCo among funding partners supporting recycling solutions for growing category
FALL CHURCH, VA, September 30, 2019 – The Recycling Partnership announced today the launch of a Film and Flexibles Task Force to define, pilot and scale recyclin[...]
America Recycles Week release of free Social Media Kit v.3 and DIYSigns to empower communities to educate residents on how to recycle more, better
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (Nov. 12, 2019) – Residents putting trash in the recycling costs the U.S. recycling system more than $300 million each year. While s[...]
The following is a joint statement attributed to Steve Alexander, President, and CEO, The Association of Plastic Recyclers; Ron Gonen, CEO, Closed Loop Partners; Nina Goodrich, Executive Director, GreenBlue; And Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership:
(February 28, 2020) — With the [...]
The following is a joint statement attributable to Steve Alexander, President, and CEO, The Association of Plastic Recyclers; Ron Gonen, CEO, Closed Loop Partners; and Keefe Harrison, CEO, The Recycling Partnership:
(July 1, 2021) — “The recent recommendations made by the California Statewide Co[...]
The 2020 State of Curbside Recycling report calls for these clear, integrated strategies:
Substantially greater support of community recycling programs with capital funding, technical assistance, and efforts to strengthen and grow local political commitment to recycling services.
New and enhanced s[...]
2020 Impact Report Tells Story of the National Nonprofit Catalyzing Change to Move the U.S. Toward a Circular Economy
60+ Brands, Retailers, Government Agencies, and NGOs Collaborate to Advance All Plastic Packaging
to become Reusable, Recyclable, or Compostable by 2025
Falls Church, Va., (August 25, 2020) – Today, the U.S. Plastics Pact, a collaborative led by The Recycling Partnership and World Wildlife Fund (W[...]
“The Recycling Partnership believes that producers should play a prominent role in bringing the critically needed capital necessary to level up a struggling U.S. residential recycling system through a shared producer responsibility model.
As the Blueprint points out, we’re at a critical poin[...]
The report finds investment to improve the residential recycling system in the U.S. over the next five years would deliver significant environmental and financial benefits, including:
Save 710 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent;
Reduce the average water usage of 30 million people;
Save the equiv[...]