While this year’s Super Bowl is likely to look different from years past, you can still win big with some simple, yet impactful, recycling goals.
For many Americans, turning on the game or tuning into commercials is a time to enjoy a few deliciously tempting finger foods. And, while you may not enjoy the traditional watch party you’ve hosted or attended in prior years, rooting for more sustainability doesn’t have to be part of a fantasy league. You and your household can help make a zero-waste Super Bowl with the below tips, tricks, and hacks.
Here’s what to know and do when it comes to going green while watching the Super Bowl:
- Regardless of whether you pursue healthy or junk food varieties, remember to stock up on your needs with your reusable shopping bag and wear your reusable cloth facemask. If you order items on your list, don’t forget to flatten your shipping box prior to recycling.
- Choose reusable items for use at game time like glasses, plates, and cutlery.
- Whether you’re serving adult beverages or your favorite soft drinks and bottled water, remember bottles and cans are recyclable. Make sure your bottles and cans are empty and dry before placing them in your recycling bin.
- While their containers may be recyclable, food and liquid are not. Please ensure you empty all recyclable containers before placing them in your recycling bin.
- Pizza boxes can be recycled in many local recycling programs (check your local program’s website to know for sure), but pizza cannot. Please remove all non-cardboard items from your pizza box (including peppers, sauces, crusts, and cheese before placing your box in the recycling bin). If takeout is on your Super Bowl menu, consider declining single-use cutlery with your to-go order. Instead, opt for using forks, spoons, and knives at home. Remember that Styrofoam™ is usually not recyclable in your curbside container. Check your local program’s website to know what is and isn’t recyclable in your community.
- When it’s time to clean up, twin the bin by placing your in-home recycling bin beside your trash can. Not only will it save time and make your life easier, twinning the bin is a proven method to increase the quantity of quality recyclables.
Regardless of who you’re pulling for, you can be on the winning green team with these simple but impactful hacks, tricks, and tips.