Reduce Recycling Contamination in Your Community

Got contamination? The Recycling Partnership has the tools, experience and funding solutions you need to drive recycling change in your community.

We know that times are tough for community recycling programs. Our program offers operational and communications assistance, free resources, and grants and helps make the path forward easier for you and your community.

Start with the Contamination Kit – it includes all the documents you’ll need to stimulate conversation and walks you through how and when to use them. Then, check out the Campaign Builder to design your own campaign. Plus, we’ve thrown in some training videos for good measure.

Need another nudge in the right direction? Email for help from a human.

And, keep us posted on your program – we can’t wait to celebrate your success!

Download our Curbside Anti-Contamination Kit

Increasing the quality of the recycling stream can save on disposal fees, improve resident satisfaction with your program, and ensures the success and sustainability of the recycling system.


Download our Drop-off Anti-Contamination Kit

Increasing the quality of the recycling stream can save on disposal fees, improve resident satisfaction with your program, and ensures the success and sustainability of the recycling system.

Grab & Go Recycling Matters Social Media Kit

Customize your recycling campaign.

Using our online campaign builder, you’ll be able to customize your recycling outreach materials with the items specific to your program.


Apply for a Cart Grant

The Residential Curbside Recycling Cart Grant Program advances recycling in communities across the United States by offering financial and technical assistance to support the implementation of cart-based curbside recycling.