Take Action to Improve Recyclability

Access The Tool

This free, publicly-available tool guides packaging designers, suppliers, brands, and retailers through a system-wide recyclability assessment of your packaging. Gain insight on common materials found in U.S. recycling programs: plastic, fiber & cartons, metal, and glass.

The Circular Packaging Assessment Tool is a free tool that makes packaging recyclability assessment possible to all companies and package designers, large or small. The publicly available tool leverages all the data and networks of The Partnership, pulling requirements from the five building blocks of the Residential Recyclability Framework and combining them with recycling access data from The Recycling Partnership’s National Database and digitized design guidance from material-specific industry associations.


Improving Recyclability with the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool

Identify key system solutions that boost your packaging strategy to increase MRF and community acceptance, comply with EPR regulations, and strengthen end markets.

  • Gain free, trusted industry resources
  • Assess end markets and bale inclusion
  • Discover recycling access levels by package type
  • Learn suggested actions for challenged packaging


Dynamic Design Guides

Analyze your packaging and explore new design ideas with recyclability feedback drawn from trusted industry associations.

Get Started Designing for Recyclability

Gauge how your packaging portfolio performs within the U.S. recycling system and receive key strategies to overcome your recyclability challenges.

Get started for free today.

Design for Recyclability

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who should use the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool?

The Circular Packaging Assessment Tool is for brands, retailers, and packaging designers seeking to assess the recyclability of their packaging within the U.S. recycling system. This Tool goes beyond technical recyclability to include information on community access, MRF capture, end markets, and recyclability prevalence.

Policymakers can refer to the full system criteria and stakeholder engagement of the Framework in the Tool when addressing innovations in packaging within recyclability policy.

What is the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool and how does it relate to other recyclability tools?

The Circular Packaging Assessment Tool is a free, publicly-available web-based tool that makes packaging recyclability assessment possible to all companies and package designers, large or small. It leverages all the data and networks of The Partnership, pulling requirements from the five building blocks of the Residential Recyclability Framework and combining them with recycling access data from The Recycling Partnership’s National Database and digitized design guidance from material-specific industry associations. You can see the Framework in the interactive PDF version of the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool.

In the Tool, users can input design elements of their package’s base and additional components, such as an HDPE lotion bottle and its pump, as well as additional packaging like a cardboard multi-pack box. The recyclability assessment output helps companies detect where system-level challenges exist—from design to access, MRF capture and end markets—and see what additional resources, industry groups or material coalitions are available for catalyzing change.

In the interactive PDF, users can dive into the methodology of the Residential Recyclability Framework and navigate its resources to manually self-score their package.

This Tool was built with industry alignment and transparency in mind. The Recycling Partnership worked with several industry associations to digitize material design guides and include relevant, well-respected resources in the Tool. In addition, the Framework that underpins the Tool was generated with input and expertise from the Circularity Council, a group of 35 industry leaders representing stakeholders from across the recycling value chain.

Just as recycling system technology, policy, standards and programs continue to evolve, the harmonization of the most current and accurate industry information within the Tool is ongoing.

What is the Residential Recyclability Framework?

The Residential Recyclability Framework, launched under the name Pathway to Circularity in 2021, is the first single-source, industry-informed set of guidelines for determining packaging recyclability. It defines five building blocks critical to progressing packaging design for recyclability – design for recyclability, recyclability prevalence, access and adoption, capture journey, and packaging fate, along with key requirements within each block. The Framework strives to deliver new depth on the varying factors that shape recycling. The Framework will help companies determine if their package can navigate the recycling system and provide them with the necessary actions to advance their packaging toward recyclability and meet their sustainability goals.

The Framework roots the industry in reality while pushing toward a more innovative and circular future by assessing recyclability through a series of “building blocks” or criteria that a package must meet to be considered recyclable. The Framework is a living document, evolving over time to meet the needs of a growing recycling system while providing stability for long-term decisions. For example, The Partnership opened the Framework to public comment for a period of 30 days in late 2021, and the feedback was incorporated into the building blocks of the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool.

Where can I access the Tool?

Please refer to the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool to access the digital tool and create a free account. The interactive PDF version of the Tool is also available for initial self-assessment of a package. An in-depth discussion of the Framework, including an overview of the building blocks and criteria, can be found in this recording.

What’s next for the Pathway to Circularity Initiative?

The Tool and Framework are living resources, the contents of which will continue to evolve with changing market conditions, advances in technology, etc. Planned upcoming developments include:

  • Design Guide updates to the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool
  • Increased harmonization of the digital Tool and Pathway Framework with other recycling industry resources
  • Updates to the Framework, guided by the inputs and expertise of the industry-led Circularity Council

How can I get more involved with The Partnership and further development of the Circular Packaging Assessment Tool?

Reach out to pathway@recyclingpartnership.org to discuss partnership opportunities. Get In Touch with us for general inquiries. Follow The Partnership on social media to learn more about what we’re doing to accelerate recycling and circularity in the U.S.

Let's Connect to Advance Packaging Circularity
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